26 Feb 2024

Newsletter n°49

Abundant news to start the Olympic summer with many completions, new appointments and publications to report... Judge for yourself!

4 New Stations on Metro Line 11

Commissioned 13 June, the Metro Line 11 Mairie des Lilas to Rosny – Bois-Perrier extension and delivery of the 4 underground stations we designed!
In compliance with the emblematic Parisian metro features: white bevelled tiles, vaults and opposing platforms - new scenarios and facilities - lift banks, sculptural staircases that attain great heights, spaces bathed in daylight, glazed partitions establish an exchange between the past and modernity. Discover these stations with a still reasonably priced metro ticket, if bought before the Games!

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La Porte de la Chapelle Regeneration

Delivered in time for the Olympic Games - 1st Phase of La Porte de la Chapelle redevelopment! Our “Routes du Futur” competition entry exhibited in the programme during the last municipal elections, the Porte now provides vast spaces, peaceful and generously planted, that give continuity to the soft access between Paris and Saint-Ouen.
The City of Paris commissioned the works - Paris Infrastructures et Mobilités with the Arcadis (lead consultant), Richez_Associés, Emma Blanc, Atelier Franck Boutté, Concepto project team.

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Grésillons Station on Metro Line 15 Ouest!

We are proud to have been awarded the Les Grésillons Station, on the western section of metro Line 15, in the design and build consortium led by NGE - BTP/Webuild/Equans.
This station is our 5th Grand Paris Express project along with the 15-Est Champigny-Centre and Villiers-Champigny-Bry Stations, Line 15 Champigny Operations Centre and Line 18 Massy-Palaiseau Station.
Almost completed, these four projects are linked between Asnières-sur-Seine and Gennevilliers by an underground concourse that connects with the aerial RER C station. Key project features:
a timber structure, a glass roof over the large ramp brings daylight to the platforms with their soft raw concrete walls. Delivery scheduled 2030.

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Avril Group Paris Head Office Rehabilitation 

Avril recently took delivery of its reconfigured Paris head office. Located rue de Monceau in the heart of the Paris golden triangle, the outdated 1980s building was extended vertically by a timber structure and completely renovated to now accommodate more than 500 employees.
Bold initiative: transformation of the former, sparsely planted courtyard into a lively and bright, animated centre within the building. Under a bioclimatic glass roof, the vast atrium is a softwood universe with abundant vegetation that provides a vibrant space for socialising and encounters.
Design and build consortium: Legendre property developer, Richez_Associés, Unité with consulting engineers Ginko & Associés, Somete, Yves Hernot, BEGC, Casso, and Dauchez Payet.

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Montpellier Restanque Business District Regeneration

As urban design coordinators, design guide submitted for Sector 2, ZAC Restanque Montpellier. After the ZAC des Grisettes delivered 5 years ago, the SERM confided Richez_Associés the transformation of a vast business district, one of the last land reserves in this increasingly urbanised area. Programme: construction of mixed-use buildings that combine business premises and housing within blocks that enable summer breezes to circulate, a refreshing green precinct, restricted traffic to provide a network of pedestrian and cycle paths - putting into practice our “rue commune” concept.

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News Desk

« Tramways à la française, de nouvelles frontières » in bookstores!

We are so proud ! “Tramways à la française, de nouvelles frontières” is now in the bookstores!
This is the sequel to our first publication in 2013 on the same theme. Author Olivier Namias interviewed Thomas Richez and Vincent Cottet to provide an in-depth overview of a trend which is increasingly impacting public space design, to continually change the appearance of cities.
The 19th June in the Centre Pompidou bookstore, we were honoured to present the book to our partners, employees, mobility professionals, loyal clients and long-time friends... a big thank you to those present for their support

“Tramways à la française, de nouvelles frontières” is available HERE!

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Jean-François Caux joins Richez_Associés

Alongside Morgan Even, Jean-François Caux joins the practice as Development and Operations Director. With his extensive experience of complex projects in construction, property development, regeneration and public project management, Jean-François will bring a well-informed contribution to the future development of Richez_Associés.

Press review

Le Moniteur : ­Nathalie Moutarde - « GPE : le trio NGE, WeBuild et Equans remporte le second marché de la ligne 15 Ouest » - Le Moniteur, 29 mai 2024

Le Monde :­ Isabelle Regnier - « Les nouvelles gares du Grand Paris Express en pleine lumière » - Le Monde, 23 juin 2024

Cadre de Ville : ­J. K. - « Bagneux : chassé-croisé d'opérations sur la ZAC des Musiciens, dynamisée par la gare GPE » - Cadre de Ville, 20 juin 2024

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