One Housing/Grande Arche 017-16511-couv2


One Housing/Grande Arche

Behind Arche de la Défense, along the axis and next to the U Arena rugby stadium, an elongated site accommodates housing - Jardins de l’Arche.

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1 | One Housing

Surrounded by large-scale development which impacts its architecture, the main challenge was to successfully develop a link between the domestic scale of the housing interiors with the urban scale, the adjoining large-scale developments.

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The Block 19 programme includes housing, student accommodation and shops. Private sector housing located on the upper floor levels have the best views.

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One Housing/Grande Arche limage-contemporaine_one-la-defense_facade-fetail

The volume allows for diverse yet simple treatment in elevation.

Loggia shutters with adjustable vertical blades, vary according to their location.

One Housing/Grande Arche 017-16498-couverture


October 2011 competition winner - February 2012 planning consent - January 2015 construction commencement - April 2017 completion


Nanterre (92)


Les Nouveaux Constructeurs

Strategic planner



201 housing units (110 student units + 91 housing units) + 1,000m² shops


11.500 m²


20 M€

Lead consultant

FMA (Farshid Moussavi Architecture)

Associate architect


Consulting engineers

Werner Sobek + Bérim + Prima + Ginko Ingénierie

Sustainable development

Buffer spaces + dual orientation housing + compact building + additional external insulation




Lauréat 2015 de la Pyramide d’Argent du Prix de l’Esthétique immobilière, decerné par la Fédération des promoteurs immobiliers de France (FPI)