Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15 chc_ext_01


Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15

At the Champigny-Centre station, the south branch, which starts at Noisy-Champs, joins the east branch towards Le Bourget and Pleyel.

Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15 chc_carte-situation

The station is located along the RD4, the former RN4 and major Champigny axis, and at the foot of an embankment that accommodates a ring rail. The millstone rock bridge, where the rail track crosses the RD4, is a city gate that today separates the town hall neighbourhood from the neighbourhoods to the west.

The station will provide Champigny residents access from both sides of the viaduct and, on the west side, a large square lined with shops dominated by a residential tower that landmarks the new station.

Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15 chc_coupe_140725

The station interior is inspired by two strong references within the region: the millstone rock, used again as clad-ding, and the flow of the Marne which envelops Champigny, evoked by a metal sheet in the ceiling. The passenger, moving down towards the platform, passes under the sheet that is aligned with precision at the same height as the river which bathes the neighbourhood, 200m to the south.

Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15 chc_int_01
Champigny-Centre station for metro line 15 chc_int_02


Offre décembre 2012 - études 2014/2019 - livraison prévue 2025


Champigny-sur-Marne (94)


Société du Grand Paris


Gare du Grand Paris Express de correspondance ligne 15 Est et ligne 15 Sud


19.000 m²


149 M€

Design team

Systra (mandataire) + Richez_Associés


Nominée aux BIM d’Or 2016