7 Nov 2023
La Rue Commune in bookstores!

Let's invent the ordinary urban street of the 21st century
Nearly 20 million residents in more than 20 French cities live on an ordinary street...
However, dominated by cars, largely impermeable with little vegetation, the street no longer meets the needs of its users. What if tomorrow, it became a community street?
Rue Commune: Behind these two words hides a new vision of the ordinary street. Created in response to an “appel à communs” from ADEME, the Rue Commune proposes an ambitious project for the transformation of ordinary urban streets in response to the major challenges of the 21st century: adapting cities to climate change, health and well-being, transition towards more reasonable lifestyles and development... Far from providing a universal solution, it proposes an approach adapted to the historical, sensitive and technical characteristics of the street, bringing together consultants and users in a new consultation process which promotes understanding by citizens of the issues.

After the release of the La Rue Commune methodology guide in March 2023, the adventure comes to fruition today with the publication of the eponymous book by Editions Apogée, for use by local officials, citizens and urban planning professionals.
To order La Rue Commune book CLICK HERE